Philosophy, Theology, Religion, Fiction, Poetry, martial arts Books.
A partial catalog of his works follows:
The Lost Book Of Enoch: A Comprehensive Transliteration
Banned Form the Bible
The Lost Books of the Bible
The Book of Jubilees; The Little Genesis, The Apocalypse of Moses
The Book Of Jasher: The J. H. Parry Text in Modern English
The Gnostic Gospels of Philip, Mary Magdalene, and Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas: A Contemporary Translation
The Tao of Thomas
Fallen Angels, The Watchers, and the Origins of Evil: A Problem of Choice
The Gospel of Judas: The man, His History, and His Story
End of Days: The Apocalyptic Writings - The Apocalypse of Abraham, The Apocalypse of Thomas, or The Revelation of Thomas, 4 Ezra, also referred to as 2 Esdras or the Apocalypse of Ezra, 2 Baruch, also known as the Syriac. Apocalypse of Baruch
Dark Night of the Soul - A Journey to the Heart of God
The Tao Te Ching: A Contemporary Translation
Christian Counseling – Healing the Tribes of Man