Bellwether Purchasing Software, founded in 1985, helps small and mid-sized organizations reduce costs, gain organizational control over spending and improve regulatory compliance through implementation of its Procurement Management Software ( Material Management Software ), Bellwether Purchasing Manager (BPM).
BPM includes e-Procurement Software ( Material Management Software ) components for invoice management, procurement, inventory and material management and vender performance optimization.
Bellwether has its Corporate Headquarters located in Louisville, KY, and a Regional Office in Chicago, IL.
Software Development, Retail trade, computers and software, General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders
HQ Location
9900 Shelbyville Road, 6B
Louisville, Kentucky 40223, US
e-procurementpurchase management softwarespend managmentprocurement softwaresset management softwareSaaSOn DemCloud ComputingBellwetherPurchasing