The Hamilton Eye Institute provides comprehensive adult and pediatric eye care, including annual eye exams and treatment for eye diseases such as infant and childhood cataracts, pediatric strabismus (crossed eyes), glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and other retinal diseases, corneal injuries, eye cancers, and oculoplastics. It also offers a dedicated low-vision therapy program that gives patients with impaired vision the tools and assistance they need to regain quality of life as well.
Medical Practices, Hospitals and clinics, Health, medical and pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Plastics, Ophthalmic/eye hospitals
HQ Location
930 Madison Ave
Memphis, Tennessee 38103, US
Vitreoretinal SurgeryOcular OncologyGlaucomComprehensive OphthalmologyNeuro-OphthalmologyPediatrics and Adult StrabismusOculofacial Plastics and Reconstructive SurgeryCornea and Refractive SurgeryOphthalmology Residency Program