Our Vision at Vaēso is to collectively help our industry become WORLD-CLASS MANUFACTURERS.
In advanced manufacturing industries only those manufacturers who rapidly moved from high-levels to low-levels of manufacturing waste, survived. Many industries are still suffering from a very high-level of the 15-types of manufacturing-wastes including non-accurate output data, no visibility on real-time order status and exceptional high levels of internal rework.
We at Vaēso have the expertise and knowledge to help your Team begin its World-Class Manufacturer journey. Transformation begins with the eradication of the quality related waste such as: in-line and end-of-line rework-rejections and finished product rejects. All of these can be eliminated with Vaēso's SMART Manufacturing Execution System (MES) app - the only solution on the market using Ultra-High-Frequency RFID manufacturing tracking technology.
Although we at Vaēso are very process oriented, we are beyond a solution. We are rapid change agents creating what we call the Vaēso Effect:
- We coach, mentor and upskill your Team providing them with the latest
global-industry best practices
- You move from high to low-waste levels of quality
- Create smooth operations, reducing your process variance-waste
due to poor quality
- Provide thinking time for leaders to work on waste removal
- Ignite customer satisfaction and thus profit making by improving
outgoing product quality
- Become a World-Class Manufacturer
The ultimate consequence of the Vaēso Effect is radiating TRUST within your entire manufacturing ecosystem!