SAMPOL is an independent, multinational, family owned company founded in 1934 and a leader in the implementation of Energy projects, Electrical installations, Telecommunications, Control Systems.
Our experience has been built up in the main sectors of the economy focusing particularly on:
- Infrastructures (Airports, Railways, Subways, Tunnels…)
- Industrial sector (Energy and Environmental projects)
- Singular Buildings (Hotels & Resorts, Terminals, Convection Palaces…)
At present the SAMPOL staff comprises 1.200 professionals in the areas of energy, engineering, electric facilities and telecommunications, who allow the company to undertake the engineering, construction, commissioning and operation in each of the individual projects.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
Camí dels Reis, 308
Edificio Mapfre - 1ª Planta
ES,Balearic Islands,Palma,07011
EnergíaEnergías RenovablesCogeneraciónSistemas de Eficiencia EnergéticaBiomasaHibridación de RenovablesHidrógenoSostenibilidadDigitalizaciónSCADA