CLP is a skilled trades staffing company that provides reliable tradespeople to a broad range of contractors, and rewarding employment opportunities to a qualified workforce. We recruit and hire the best and brightest tradespeople around, then match them to each contractor's specific job requirements.
Our skilled tradespeople are kept busy, job to job and project to project. We do the legwork - finding work that matches their skills, experience and interests - so they don't have to. Tradespeople who work for us enjoy flexibility, variety, and opportunities to work on a wide range of construction jobs with top builders.
Our customers are general contractors, subcontractors and facilities manager working on energy, commercial, industrial, residential and institutional projects. We make sure every customer has the right tradespeople for every phase of their project, on every jobsite, every time.
Staffing and Recruiting, Temporary staff agencies, Services to businesses, Business Services, Employment & Career Resources, Employment Services, Human Resource Services
HQ Location
Western US
CLP customers are contractorsSubcontractors and facilities managers working on commercialIndustrial StaffingResidential and Institutional Projects.Residential StaffingEmploying and Managing Tradespeople