Superfluid is developing the first high-performance, blood-based test for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and related dementias off of a platform technology of cell-free mRNA analysis. This next-generation liquid biopsy technology enables non-invasive measurement of the dynamic biology of organs throughout the body, including the brain. Superfluid’s AD diagnostic can assess the underlying biology of disease and detect its presence early, when there is still time to act. Our precise understanding of the underlying pathways of disease enables more specific use of AD therapeutics and treatments which improves patient outcomes, reduces harmful side-effects, and is more cost effective for health systems.
Superfluid has a team of experienced inventors, researchers, and operators focused on revolutionizing care for AD including Steve Quake (Stanford Professor and Head of Science at CZI), Gajus Worthington (founder and CEO of Fluidigm), and John Sninsky (Berkeley and CareDX/Celera).
Superfluid's underlying approach has been published in peer-reviewed journals. Superfluid is well funded and recently received funding from the National Institute of Aging (NIA) and Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF).