The Grange School is a fully bilingual school, which integrates the English language in all subjects of the academic curriculum from Lower Prep to the Senior School. When our pupils graduate they are completely fluent in both English and Spanish. The School has ca. 2,200 pupils on roll and is controlled by the John Jackson Educational Foundation, who also control the activities of a Cultural Centre and a club. The Grange School is organized essentially for English speaking pupils who follow the British National Curriculum from Reception until Year 13, when a significant proportion of them elect to study in universities in Chile, but also in Britain and the USA - particularly at post-graduate level. The Grange School is a member of the Association of British Schools in Chile (ABSCH), the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference (HMC), the Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools (IAPS) and the Latin America Heads Conference (LAHC). We employ 350 full time administrative and teaching staff, and a large amount of visiting specialists.