The Y & H Soda Foundation is a private foundation that supports nonprofit and Catholic organizations committed to the full participation and prosperity of the underserved in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties.
Vision Statement:
Families and individuals in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties are economically secure and actively engaged in their communities.
Core Values:
Informed by our Founders’ values and Catholic Social Teaching, the Y&H Soda Foundation strives to practice:
We are concerned for the most vulnerable members of our community, and work to ensure that all persons may share in the blessings of society and contribute to the common good.
We respect and appreciate the dignity and strengths of each individual and seek to build upon these gifts to create a more caring community in the East Bay.
We imagine, seek out, and support the leaders, ideas, and relationships that will strengthen and transform our communities.
We seek to be accountable to the legacy of our Founders by deploying our resources effectively and efficiently in service to the community.
We commit to working with others, drawing together the best resources of our communities to advance our shared mission.
We listen to others, gather and share knowledge, and improve our work as informed by our experience.
We strive to honor our mission, values, and commitments in all that we do.