is the' cluster for innovative players active in the life sciences field in Brussels. Entrepreneurship, innovation, internationalisation.
Mission aims at:
(i) fostering entrepreneurship and innovation in the life sciences; healthcare field;
(ii) promoting this know-how nationally and internationally
(iii) developing synergies between the different players and supporting the development of this ecosystem
Description is the cluster of innovative companies, academic labs and hospitals active in the life sciences field and developing their activities in the Brussels-Capital Region. It gathers more than 100 companies actives in the biotech, pharma, medical devices and equipment and digital health fields; and more than 40 supporting organisations (incubators, intermediaries, patent attorneys,...).
Consult our website for more information about the cluster: is the Brussels Business Support Agency. It provides free support for businesses and shops in Brussels, helping them to grow on the international stage and attract foreign investment to Brussels.