The Church I Dream is a vibrant instrument of Jesus in culture.
The Church I Dream is one whose heart beats to create future and bring hope to those who have none. A church for those who are suffering silently, starving for significance, and malnourished in love. It’s a church where people move from death to life, where powerful ministry and discipleship occurs naturally.
The Church I Dream is winsomely outward oriented. It’s a church that has a deep love for the City in which it’s planted, allowing a powerful flow of Holy Spirit activity through its people, so the city will be different in the years to come.
The Church I Dream is intentional, present and active in the culture, where the influence of Jesus is felt on every "cultural street" including, Government, Business, Family, Arts & Entertainment, Science, Education, and The Church.
The Church I Dream is called to the World, bringing the hope of Jesus to the ends of the earth, planting churches with this same spiritual DNA.
The Church I Dream is hungry to worship God, birthing music and creating dynamic worship atmospheres.
The Church I Dream is hungry for the Word of God, raising up ministers of the Gospel and creating gatherings where God’s Word is declared with power and relevance.
The Church I Dream is committed to the younger generation by raising up world changers, educating, empowering and releasing them into their destinies.
The Church I Dream is overflowing with the Fruit of the Spirit with glowing authenticity, grace-filled warmth, magnetic energy, contagious happiness and vibrant servanthood.
The Church I Dream is Bible Based and Jesus Focused, always majoring on what is most important to the heart of Father God. One of grace and faith, overflowing with life and love.
Tim Woody - Lead Pastor
City Life Church, Downtown Fort Worth