The primary mission of Security Forces units is to provide force protection to ensure operational readiness and to protect war fighting resources. This mission is accomplished through a system of base and area entry control points, vehicle patrols, foot patrols, and sensor equipment. Security forces units at 102 worldwide locations, assigned to seven major commands, provide base law enforcement services similar to those provided to communities by civilian police agencies. Another key mission is to protect classified and sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure. This mission is done through security programs such as information, industrial, personnel, and physical security, as well as systems security engineering management.
Functional Specialists
The Security Forces Career Field performs force protection duties. SF duties may require the use of force, up to and including the use of deadly force. SF duties ensure combat capability through the functions of installation security, nuclear and conventional weapon systems and resources security, air base defense, law enforcement, information security, military working dog activities, and combat arms training and maintenance. Security Forces participate in contingency operations. Personnel in this career field will be deployed and employed in sensitive or hostile environments created by terrorism, sabotage, nuclear, chemical, biological, or conventional warfare.