Established in 2012, the Active Learning Trust is led by education professionals with a strong background in schools, local authorities and national education. The Trust was established to support schools, their pupils and staff to reach their potential as academies and is now approved by the Department of Education to operate as an academy sponsor.
Our aims are:
■Oversee the leadership and management of a successful group of Academies and Free Schools across the full school age range that will develop a strong trajectory of improvement leading to attainment above the national average within 5 years across all schools in the Trust.
■Establish and support a professional, collaborative network ensuring cross fertilisation and the sharing of effective practice across the group
■Establish broad, balanced and relevant curricula, including the Ebac, well integrated with the needs of business, local communities and the realities of work beyond school, valuing all forms of learning including experiential learning and opportunities to work in real life assignments in partnership with local communities and employers.
■Ensure a calm and purposeful learning environment where staff and pupils are valued and proud of their achievements, and where those achievements are owned and shared by parents, carers and the community
■Ensure that we maximise appropriate use of new technologies for staff and pupils to support learning both in the classroom and beyond
■Ensure community ‘ownership’ of our Academies and schools and that they are seen as the schools of choice by their communities
■Foster and sustain strong links with further and higher education VISION