The STO is the primary NATO organization for defense science and technology.
The STO’s mission is to promote and conduct co-operative research and information exchange within NATO and with its partners. The STO is governed by the Science and Technology Board and has three executive bodies:
- The Office of the Chief Scientist (NATO HQ, Brussels) providing executive and administrative support to the Chief Scientist in exercising his/her three roles as STB Chairperson, Scientific Advisor and head of the Office.
- The Collaboration Support Office (Paris, France) providing executive and administrative support to the activities conducted by national experts within thematic Panels and Group.
- The Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (La Spezia, Italy) organizing and conducting scientific research and technology development, centered on the maritime domain, and delivering innovative and field tested S&T solutions to address the defense and security needs of the Alliance.
Applied Vehicle TechnologyHuman Factors and MedicineInformation Systems TechnologySystem Analysis and StudiesSystems Concepts and IntegrationSensors and Electronics Technologyand Modelling and Simulation