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About John Waite
John Waite has 2 current jobs including Director at Tulsa Soccer Club in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States, Us Soccer Youth U16 National Team Domestic Camp Assistant at U.S. Soccer Federation. Previously worked at FC Tulsa as Analyst. Tulsa Soccer Club is a Sports Teams and Clubs company in 1325 E 15th St
Suite 202
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120, US with 18 employees
Our mission is to provide the City of Tulsa a Soccer Club that consists of a diverse leadership in which develops talented high school, collegiate, professional, and national team players that love the beautiful game of soccer.
Core Values
Core Values at this club shall mean to P.R.E.P.A.R.E. children to overcome life’s challenges and be successful in whatever path they choose:
Progressive is our approach to coaching, playing, and achieving our goals
Respect our teammates, our coaches, our competitors, our referees, and our peers
Equality is treating people how you want to be treated regardless of gender, race, socio-economic status, or your ability or inability to play, coach, and referee soccer
Passion is about loving what you do each and every day whether that is coaching, playing, or whatever you choose to do in life
Ability will not change without practice
Relationships are the key to any successful endeavor chosen
Effort is the ultimate equalizer and something each of us can choose or not choose to do
1325 E 15th St
Suite 202
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74120, US
Soccer coachingPlayer developmentHigh school soccer trainingCollegiate soccer developmentProfessional soccer player developmentNational team player development
Soccer coaching programsHigh school soccer trainingCollegiate soccer developmentProfessional soccer player developmentNational team player development