Thermotraffic has operated since 1984 as one of the leading logistics specialists for temperature-controlled transport worldwide. Thermotraffic has extensive expertise in complex services and offers its customers solution-oriented services. In the foodstuffs and pharmaceutical sectors in particular it develops and realizes all-round custom solutions for cool-chain logistics. Its dynamic and flexible team develops smart logistics solutions for industrial and commercial clients, helping them to become even more efficient in their respective markets and offers a one-stop service. Its range of services offered covers domestic and international overland transport, ocean freight, seaport logistics, cold storage logistics, air freight transport, pharmaceuticals logistics, contract logistics and specialized transport.
Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage, Refrigerated transport, Specialised Transport, Transport & Related Services, Air-freight services, Kühlzellen, Kühltransporte, Kühlräume, Tiefkühlzellen, Tiefkühlräume
HQ Location
Im Industriegelände 60-66/Abel Tasmanstraat 1
Versmold (D)/Rotterdam (NL), OO
temperature-controlled transportsnational and international overland transportsocean freightpharma logisticseaport logisticsair freigthcold store logisticsand special transports