STEP Academy Trust currently comprises of seven members - Applegarth Academy, David Livingstone Academy, La Fontaine Academy, Gonville Academy, Wolsey Junior Academy, Angel Oak Academy and Heathfield Academy.
The name, an acronym, reflects the aspirational nature of the organisation - Striving Together for Excellence in Partnership. Inspired by the commitment to improve children’s life chances, STEP Academies work together to provide high quality learning experiences for all their pupils.
STEP Mission
STEP Academy Trust is committed to improving the life chances of all children. Where we have the capacity to make a difference we are morally bound to do so.
STEP Vision
To establish a family of outstanding academies where world class leaders place the children at the heart of everything.
As a growing multi-academy trust, STEP is always seeking to recruit talented professionals who share our moral purpose. If STEP’s mission – to improve the life chances of all children – resonates, we would be interested in hearing from you. We are particularly interested in hearing from teachers and aspiring leaders.
People interested in working with us, should email:
Working in partnership, as part of STEP Academy Trust, has a number of key benefits including:
* Rapid dissemination of best-practice across the group – sharing of policies, procedures etc.
* Excellent professional development opportunities, which support the recruitment and retention of staff.
* Sharing of teachers, expertise and best practice.
* Access to high quality, shared services e.g. catering, premises and ICT.
* Innovative staffing arrangements – for example, staff working across more than one STEP Academy.
* Training days in common, facilitating high quality CPD.
* Economies of scale – STEP Academy Trust can procure “value for money” services for all its Academies.