Summary of Services:
Caltrans comprehensive project management, including encroachment permits, engineering and design, surveying, stormwater, and CEQA/NEPA environmental compliance;
Extensive experience negotiating the approval of broadband projects with Caltrans Headquarters;
Extensive experience consulting with HDD contractors for verifying design feasibility of broadband projects in complex environments;
Arborist services;
Biological Assessments and Evaluations under state and federal Endangered Species Acts;
Jurisdictional waters/wetlands delineations and determinations;
NHPA Section 106 and 110 Compliance;
Native American Consultation and Coordination;
Archaeological Field Surveys, Evaluation, and Data Recovery;
Construction risk assessment of environmentally contaminated project areas;
Geotechnical assessments;
Ground penetrating radar assessments;
Environmental Impact Reports;
Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declarations;
Environmental Assessments, Categorical Exemptions and Exclusions;
CEQA and environmental permit mitigation monitoring during construction phases of projects;
California Fish & Game Code (Sections 1600-1607, including Lake/Streambed Alteration Agreements);
Federal Clean Water Act, Section 404 Permits (Nationwide, Regional General, Standard Individual, including preparation of Formal Wetland Delineation Reports);
Section 401 Water Quality Certifications;
Section 402 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits from the State Water Resources Control Board, through the local RWQCB;
Clean Water Act Section 404 Dredge and Fill permits through U.S. Army Corps of Engineers;
Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) from the State Water Resources Control Board, through the RWQCB;
Stormwater Plan Preparation (SWPPP, WPCP, ESCP);
Stormwater Compliance/Inspections (Qualified SWPPP Develop