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About John Baek
John Baek is Senior Consultant at PeopleCare Group in 511 YoungDong Street, Gangnam-gu
(27th Fl., TradeTower)
Seoul, Gangnam-gu 06164, KR. PeopleCare Group is a Business Consulting and Services company in 511 YoungDong Street, Gangnam-gu
(27th Fl., TradeTower)
Seoul, Gangnam-gu 06164, KR with 16 employees
PeopleCare is an executive search firm. The company is a provider of one-stop total HR solutions in all HR related services such as HR consulting, career management, and talent recommendation.
The purpose of PeopleCare is to realize ‘respect for people’.
We believe that under no circumstances should we lose admiration and respect for people. It means that we must not forget the value of the person himself.
In other words,‘making both customers and employees happy’ is our basic management philosophy to run the company.
Committed to realizing the purpose of foundation 'Respect for People' from its early days of startup, PeopleCare has not practiced prejudice or discrimination against anyone, based on race, skin color, religion, gender, age, region, and education, etc. The company provides equal opportunities without discrimination in selection, education, or benefits. We seek to treat all people fairly and to give them equal opportunity. People who emphasize with and agree to my intentions have gathered to form a team, and companies that were impressed by our philosophy have become our regular customers.
PeopleCare, based on ‘Respect for People’, will grow into “Korea's most admired executive search firm”.