EIIS Management Limited is a joint venture between Goodbody Stockbrokers and Azets Ireland. EIIS Management acts as the investment manager to the Goodbody EIIS Funds.
The Goodbody EIIS Funds aim to offer Investors the opportunity to invest in a portfolio of Investee Companies under the Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme (“EIIS”). The Manager has brought together a number of experienced professionals who have a considerable amount of knowledge in the area of fundraising, investing and the EII Scheme.
By investing in the Funds, Investors should be able to avail of tax relief of up to 40% of their investment amount and the potential for an additional return.
The Funds will invest across a portfolio of investments thereby reducing the risk profile of the investment. The Funds will focus on indigenous Irish companies with future growth potential.
The Goodbody EIIS Fund is seeking good quality Irish SMEs to invest on reasonable terms. The Fund will invest in qualifying companies:
- Minimum investment of €500,000 and up to €5m in any one year with possible follow-on investments in subsequent years.
- Investments are for 4 years and the returns are often capped.
- The cost of capital typically ranges from 6%-12%+.
An investee company must ensure that employment levels and average pay are increased over the period of the investment.
Most SME’s qualify for EIIS investment but specifically excluded are financing activities, property development, forestry, shipping and film production companies.
SMEs are defined as having less than 250 employees and turnover less than €50m or gross assets of less than €43m.