TS TECH is a reliable and flexible supplier of electrical installation, components, equipment and services in a broad range of industries such as wind, marine, energy, communication and related industries. We are experts in mobilisation, shipments, industrial, installations and more.
Our Service may contain technicians or project solutions that include engineering/design, materials delivery, installation, testing and commissioning. We deliver our projects in close cooperation with our customers, focusing on high-quality solutions and maximum flexibility at competitive prices.
To learn more about our services, visit www.tstech.dk
Our experienced technicians have broad knowledge and are experienced in integrated solutions whether the projects are related to new buildings, renovations or conversions.
Moreover, TS TECH performs inspection of existing systems and installations. All inspections are followed by a documented report specifying the current status and our recommendations on actions surrounding potential repair, replacement of components, improvements and upgrades of systems.
We are based in Esbjerg – The Energy Metropol of Denmark.