Telescope Animation creates engaging story-universes for global audiences and gamers. Led by passionate storytellers, we develop and produce interconnected films, series, games and XR experiences utilizing cutting-edge real-time technology.
We stand for diversity & inclusivity in our projects, as well as in the workforce. With green production workflows, fair working conditions and integrated remote work capabilities, we are proud of our adaptive, sustainable and equitable approach.
The management consists of producer Maite Woköck and creative director Reza Memari. Maite has a strong track-record in developing, financing and producing commercially and critically acclaimed animated feature films and series. Reza is an award-winning animation writer and director with a background in games development, publishing and marketing.
Telescope Animation is based in Berlin with the subsidiary Telescope Animation Studios located in Hamburg.
Our story-universe THE LAST WHALE SINGER consists of an animated feature film (in financing), a premium game (in prototype development), a series (in development) and VR/AR experiences.