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About Johannes Anttila
Johannes Anttila has 2 current jobs including Lecturer at Ruokakasvatusyhdistys Ruukku ry / Finnish Society for Food Education in Helsinki, FI, Tricking Coach at LegendTrick Gym. Previously worked at University of Helsinki as Research Assistant. Ruokakasvatusyhdistys Ruukku ry / Finnish Society for Food Education is a Non-profit Organizations company in Helsinki, FI with 6 employees
Johannes Anttila Social
Johannes Anttila Work
Johannes Anttila is the Lecturer @Ruokakasvatusyhdistys Ruukku ry / Finnish Society for Food Education, with experience in Tricking Coach @LegendTrick Gym
2022 - Present · 3 years and 2 months
LegendTrick Gym
Tricking Coach
2019 - Present · 6 years and 2 months
Research Assistant
2021 - 2021
About Johannes Anttila's Current Company
The Finnish Society for Food Education, Ruukku, is an expert organisation promoting and developing food education in Finland. Ruukku aims to improve sustainable wellbeing and health by increasing food knowledge and respect for food. The joy of food can be found by doing and experiencing food for yourself! The core values are sustainable wellbeing, participation, food joy and science-based information. The main target groups are food educators and professionals in food and education. The secondary target groups are children, adolescents and families. Ruukku implements food education projects, organizes courses, trainings and events and communicates actively about food educational themes. Ruukku welcomes as members all those persons, organisations, and societies who are interested in food education. Ruukku provides food education mainly using the Taste School technique that is based on the Sapere food education method. Ruukku organizes courses, training and events and produces Taste School materials. The Taste School method is a positive way to explore the world of food and to familiarize oneself with new foods and ingredients. The method encourages the use of all five senses when familiarising with food. Using all five senses contributes to the overall experience of food, making tasting and eating more fun. The method highlights that we all have our unique ways of sensing food and that all experiences are equally correct. Ruukku is a member of Sapere International network.
Year Founded
Social Media
Non-profit Organizations
HQ Location
Helsinki, FI
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Johannes Anttila Education

Johannes Anttila completed at University of Helsinki (2016 - 2019)

University of Helsinki
Bachelor's degreeFood Science4th year student
2016 - 2019

Johannes Anttila Email & Phone number

These email and Phone numbers are the most updated and verified contact information for Johannes Anttila found in 2025.

  • Email AddressJ**@ruokakasvatus.fiPersonal Email
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  • Phone Number(xxx)xxx-xxxxPersonal Phone
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