The Berliner Wasserbetriebe does not only offer clear water, but also transparent business practices: Here is an overview of the key performance indicators from our Balance Sheet and Income Statement on an annualised basis.
Furthermore, you will find some meaningful performance figures for the Water Supply and Drainage Division.
Environmental Services, Water-repellent products, Construction Materials, Glass & Construction Materials, Water distribution, Pipework cleaning and restoration contractors, Environmental services, renewable energies, Energy, Environment, Maintenance services for water purification stations, water pumping stations, Water analysis services
HQ Location
Neue Jüdenstr. 1
Berlin, Berlin 10179, DE
Abwasserentsorgung and Trinkwasserversorgungchemical additivesindustrial chemicalswashing and cleaningconstruction managementchemical compoundstank trucksproject management constructionhard waterraw water