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About Joel Cote
Joel Cote is Associate at Lethbridge Real in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada. Previously worked at Daytona Homes Master Builder as Sales Consultant. Lethbridge Real is a Real Estate company in 2219-2 Avenue North
Lethbridge, Alberta T1H 0C1, CA with 13 employees is a very successful independent brokerage active in the local and surrounding area.
It is helmed by an impressive team of partners including long-term real estate veterans Miles Godlonton (broker) and well respected Pete Dzioba, plus the newer young blood, cutting-edge technology guru and current LDAR Director Justin Myer. (No...he didn't write that! lol)
Under their management is a fine team of competent, ethical, caring real estate professionals who are ready and eager to assist with your real estate questions, whether you are buying, selling or renting! We also have not one but two condominium Specialists in house!
Last, but not least, is the glue that holds us together; our office manager and Supreme Commander Doreen, and our office assistant Roxy! Please stop in to meet us or contact the office any time. Coffee's on, and We'd love to help you!