Orca is a unified application release and configuration automation solution that provides:
* Automated configuration drift detection and correction
* Automated routine configuration change management
* Configuration visibility
* Configuration Audit and Compliance Reporting
* Central, Secure Config Change Control and Compliance Enforcement at enterprise scale.
* Application Release Automation
Orca is an OpsDev application ecosystem automation solution for web based applications and middleware. IT Ops and WebOps teams use Orca to 1) automatically detect and correct configuration drift, 2) to centrally and securely bulk-deploy application and middleware changes at enterprise scale 3) automate compliance audit reporting and enforcement and 4) automate environment-aware deployments. For Dev teams, Orca minimizes the time it takes to bring new environments online and eliminates wasted time spent troubleshooting deployment problems. Orca's configuration workflow automation delivers ROI by cutting 'fire drills' and eliminating the risks inherent in open automation engines, one-off scripts, and directly accessing servers.
Delivering ROI:
Orca not only saves IT teams time, hassle and money with "routine" configuration changes, it also mitigates those "drop everything" fire-fighting modes that are way too common. And since Orca is a third-party supported solution with a dedicated road map, managers can feel confident that their enterprise is no longer dependent on homegrown or repurposed tools for their release and configuration automation and management.