The Rhode Island Golf Association is a non-profit organization of private and public clubs and courses dedicated to the service of golf in Rhode Island. Founded in 1902, our primary mission is to promote and preserve the traditions of the game of golf in the State of Rhode Island.
To the best of our knowledge, there were ten founding member clubs. They include Agawam Hunt, Choppequonset GC, Long Meadow GC, Melrose GC, Mianatuck GC, The Misquamicut Club, Newport CC, Pawtucket CC, Quinnobequin GC and Wannamoisett CC. Of the original ten, five are still active in the Association. The RIGA is now comprised of 52 member clubs. The Association is operated by an Executive Committee and Operating Committee. The day to day operations are managed by an Executive Director and his staff.
In 2013, the RIGA took another step to advance its mission by merging with the Rhode Island Women’s Golf Association. The merger provided the opportunity for the RIGA to serve all golfers in Rhode Island, regardless of gender. The RIWGA, founded in 1914, has its own long and storied history as 2014 marks it 100th-year Anniversary.
For the 2019 season, the RIGA will conduct over 40 men’s and women’s championship events and almost 30 Weekly Play dates.
Also, as the state representative of the United States Golf Association (USGA), the RIGA conducts local qualifying for both the USGA Amateur and Open Championships. Also in accordance with the USGA, the RIGA acts as the local authority on the Rules of Golf, and maintains a course rating and handicap system for member clubs.