Embrace® Software provides professional quality, web-based software for IEPs, Medicaid billing, Response to Intervention, Multi-Tiered System of Support, Educator Evaluations, and Section 504 compliance.
EmbraceIEP® offers a comprehensive IEP experience by including state and core learning standards, an information tracking form, parental contact data logs, a variety of administrative reports, and much more!
Embrace504® can be used as an accessory to EmbraceIEP® or as a stand-alone product. Staff can monitor important deadlines, find student data, or track student accommodations.
EmbraceDS® (Medicaid Billing) software is designed to streamline the Medicaid billing process. PowerDS is not only a comprehensive software program, but also an important tool to effectively manage Medicaid billing, resulting in new levels of increased revenues, staff accountability, and audit readiness.
EmbraceMTSS® is a process-based data-collection software program designed to simplify and streamline the RTI process.
EmbraceEval® assists districts in improving communication between educators and evaluators while improve consistency of the evaluation process.
Educator SoftwareIEPSaaSSpecial EducatioMedicaid ReimbursementSection 504Educator EvaluationsResponse to InterventioCustomer ServiceMulti Tiered System of Support