PNG Red Cross is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement that helps prevent and address the suffering of the most vulnerable communities. The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement is well over 151 years old and is grounded by the seven (7) Fundamental Principles and guided by the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and additional protocols of 1977. PNG Government is a signatory to the Geneva Conventions.
The PNG Red Cross was established by an Act of Parliament in 1976. Which means that PNG Red Cross is an auxiliary to the government. That is, the PNG government has the primary responsibility to address the vulnerabilities that prevail in the country, but grounded by the seven (7) fundamental principles, the major role of the PNG Red Cross is to supplement them in the fulfillment of that responsibility through its Neutral Independent Humanitarian Action (NIHA).
Red Cross Coverage in PNG: Red Cross has well over 1000 active members and volunteers in 14 Provinces in PNG.
1. National Headquarters based in Port Moresby
2. NCD/Central branch
3. Milne Bay Branch
4. Oro Branch
5. Morobe Branch
6. Madang Branch Neutral Independent
7. Sandaun Interim Branch on (NIHA).
8. Western Highlands Branch
9. Eastern Highlands Branch
10. West New Britain Branch
11. Easter New Britain Branch
12. Bougainville Branch
13. New Ireland Branch
14. Manus Branch
Volunteers are the backbone of the Red Cross. We rely on the amazing and genuine support from these committed and dedicated people to carry out the essential work of building resilient and preparing communities and saving lives in disasters, emergencies and conflicts in their local communities, with no desire of financial gain.
Red Cross offers the following programs and services to vulnerable communities to build their community resilience and preparedness.
- To save lives, Prepare for, Respond to and Recover from External and Internal Shocks
- To enable Safer and Healthy Living
- To promote Social inclusion in Non Violence