District Council 35 is an organization of approximately 4000 members in Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Rhode Island. We are affiliated with the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, AFL-CIO. Our members include:
•Construction industry painters, wallcoverers, glaziers, and drywall finishers
•Residential painters, drywall finishers, glaziers, and wallcoverers
•Sign painters and sign erectors
•Institutional maintenance trades workers
•Public employees
District Council 35 is an aggressive and forward-thinking organization, committed to serving the interests of our members and those unrepresented workers who hope to join. The DC 35 membership has grown substantially in recent years, and we are determined to continue this trend to ensure that we maintain the best wages and benefits in our industries. Our mission is to represent our members for purposes of collective bargaining, to organize workers in a variety of occupations, and to advocate for workers and their families.