“Creative York inspires creativity in the community through arts education, gallery experiences, and outreach programs."
Creative York is a 501c3 non-profit arts center located in downtown York, Pennsylvania, featuring two art galleries, ceramics studios, art classes for all ages, and several community out-reach programs. Creative York was founded in 1990 to support local artists in all disciplines and to make the arts accessible to the general public. Creative York continues to inspire the community through arts education, gallery experiences and outreach programs, with a vision of giving everyone the confidence to discover and express their unlimited imagination, innate creativity, and potential to meet the needs of our thriving, vibrant community.
Creative York strives to provide a focused effort to reach at-risk youth in the City of York. Our award-winning Art in the Parks summer program features art-making activities that teach social skills, respect for others, group decision-making, teamwork, and positive self-expression to more than 600 children yearly. up decision-making, teamwork, and positive self-expression to more than 600 children yearly.
We also serve a broader audience through free art exhibits and many other mission-related activities.
AND we are turning 30 years old this year! We are so proud to have been inspiring creativity in our community since 1990!
Visit creativeyork.org to learn more about all the things we do to inspire creativity in the community!