Leap To Success is the project club of the Launch Pad Job Club and offers the talents of Launchpad members to area non-profit organizations for pro bono, short-term projects. These projects allow you the job-seeker to keep your skills sharp while seeking employment and also provide deserving area non-profits the vital assistance they need to move them forward. Many members have been hired by area companies due to their direct involvement with Leap to Success.
To join Leap to Success we first invite you to attend a meeting of Launchpad Job Club. Meetings are held weekly every Friday morning from 10 - 11:30 am at Capital City Events Center at 6700 Middle Fiskville Road, Ste. 403 (next door to Highland Galaxy movie theater).
Most projects last around 8 weeks and are led by a designated Project Manager. Skills needed are: marketing/PR; graphic design; website design; social media expertise; fundraising; coding; software/hardware expertise; business consulting; financial consulting, etc. If a job offer comes along while working on a project you are welcome to see the project through to final delivery or the project may be handed over to another Leap to Success/Launchpad Job Club member.
Austin Area Non-Profits:
If you have a project that needs our help, please go to our website (www.leaptosuccessatx.org) and complete our contact us form. We will get back to you ASAP and create a team of highly skilled professionals that can assist with your project.