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About Jo Jensen
Jo Jensen has 3 current jobs including Podcast Host - The Sam + Jo Va Show at The VA Foundry in 新西兰 惠灵顿 惠灵顿, Virtual Assistant Coach & The Queen Of Scaling at The VA Foundry, Founder Of New Zealand'S Leading Virtual Assistant Company at Strictly Savvy. The VA Foundry is a E-Learning Providers company in Wellington , NZ with 4 employees
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Jo Jensen Work
Jo Jensen is the Podcast Host - The Sam + Jo Va Show @The VA Foundry, with experience in Virtual Assistant Coach & The Queen Of Scaling, Founder Of New Zealand'S Leading Virtual Assistant Company @The VA Foundry, Strictly Savvy
Having independently created highly successful VA businesses of our own, in 2019 we combined our decades of knowledge and experience to show aspiring VAs around the world what it takes to launch and grow in-demand and fully-booked Virtual Assistant businesses.
It just makes sense to learn from those in the business who are already successful.
Those that have put in the hard yards.
Those that have made the mistakes, learnt from them, tweaked their approach and then grown some more.
Whether you're just starting out, or you've been around for a while and are now looking to bring on a team, we've got you covered.
We're here to take the guess work and stress out of scaling your very own VA business.
Back in the day, we both muddled through alone, making mistakes along the way (some were doozies!). But you don't have to - because you've got a secret ingredient ... us!
We're so thrilled to be sharing all our tips, tricks, secrets and lessons we've learnt along the way.
Sam + Jo