The Presidential Precinct engages and inspires emerging leaders to address the most pressing challenges in their countries.
We seek to draw out the best from these leaders through professional fellowships, leadership exchanges, global forums, and virtual resources with six primary areas of focus: women’s empowerment, economic opportunity, good governance, human rights and justice, cultural heritage, and civic engagement.
Over 1,300 leaders from more than 162 countries have joined the Presidential Precinct’s programs and returned home to invest their knowledge, expertise, and networks to transform the lives of millions worldwide.
The Precinct sits at the center of a four-member consortium, consisting of two premier universities – the University of Virginia and William & Mary – and two internationally renowned historic sites – James Madison’s Montpelier and James Monroe’s Highland. Close relationships with Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, the U.S. Department of State, and communities around Virginia help to complete our strategic network for empowering communities globally.