Located in Bowing Green, Kentucky, Bowling Green Christian Academy is the area's only non-denominational Christian school. Our students receive a top education based in biblical principles and the teachings of Jesus Christ. We strive to develop well-rounded students academically and spiritually, encouraging our students to develop a Christian worldview.
At BGCA, our safe, loving environment allows our students to learn and grow, explore and master. Our teachers, support staff and administration nurture and guide our students as they develop through childhood to become Christian leaders in our city, state and world.
We teach our students to have a missional outlook on the world. We reach out to our community, and our students learn the value of ministering to those around them and those beyond our walls.
BGCA is accredited through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). According to the recent Cardus Education Report, since 1974 ACSI school graduates have scored significantly higher than the national norm in every grade level on national achievement testing. Additionally, the Cardus Education Report and other education studies show that CSI schools better develop the whole child than any other type of school.
From six weeks old through 12th grade, there is a place at BGCA for all.
Along with our families, BGCA is a place of growth where we live our motto: "Informing the mind, Shaping the Heart, Serving the World for Jesus Christ."