Get Smarter Prep provides the most personalized test prep around by offering the smallest classes in the industry, taught by highly trained and highly passionate teachers. We don't believe we can help you take the most important test of your high school or college career by giving you a one day seminar or by giving you a bunch of practice problems and going over what you got wrong. We coach techniques, strategies, and content review through 10 weeks of classes, 2 hours at a time, right up until a test date.
We know that standardized testing often accounts for 25% or more of a college admissions application, and we treat it accordingly:
* Full-length diagnostic tests from the testmakers
* Never more than 6 students in a class
* Curriculum and courses designed by teachers who have spent thousands of hours in a classroom, not a cubicle.
We also offer comprehensive independent college counseling to those who wish to have a professional help them through the applications and scholarship processes.
We've been invited many times to speak at area campuses about both high school and graduate test prep. We're happy to do this any time for your school (there's no charge) - simply contact us.
We look forward to speaking with you.