Tate (teyt), n., Native American origin. A great communicator.
Anzur (ann-zer), n., Old Norse origin. Pillars that support the world.
We are an independent strategic communications agency.
We are dedicated to helping your organisation build your brand and connect with stakeholders by telling Great Stories, through Genuine Engagement, from the Ground Up.
The days of fire-and-forget events and top-down I-say-you-listen communications are over.
We distinguish ourselves through our ability to turn a good brand story into an unforgettable one, to connect everyone from ministers to the man-in-the-street to it, and to give them truly creative ways to become your partner and raving fans.
We were set up in 2011. The founding team brings years of big media agency experience to understand and analyse your issues and identify strategies and opportunities to help you stand out in the crowd. Our young team of consultants also brings true out-of-the-box thinking to help deliver you results with enthusiasm, energy and aplomb.
In 2014, 2015 and 2016, Tate Anzur was named the best Singapore/independent/boutique PR consultancy by industry-watchers Marketing Magazine, Campaign Asia and PRWeek Asia.
That’s our story. So, what’s yours going to be?