Jóhannsson Jóhann
Co Founder And Partner at Aztiq
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Work Experience
Co Founder And Partner
May 2022 - Present · 2 years and 7 months
Vice President
2008 - Present · 16 years and 11 months
Company Details
2-10 Employees
Aztiq is a long-term investment fund, based in Iceland, focused on pharmaceuticals, real estate, arts & culture, and numerous community projects in Iceland and internationally. See Icelandic below. The shareholder base consists of individual investors, as well as large international investment funds. https://aztiqfinance.com/ Aztiq’s largest assets are pharmaceutical companies Alvogen and Alvotech and the real estate company Saemundur. Aztiq is in the process of constructing a high-tech biologic center in the UI (University of Iceland) Science Park in Vatnsmyri, Reykjavik, which will double the size of the fund’s pharmaceutical facilities in Iceland. Additionally, Aztiq is a major shareholder in Þorpið (reads Thorpid) – an ecological community development project, in partnership with the City of Reykjavik. Aztiq's shareholder base consists of individual investors, led by Robert Wessman, as well as large international investment funds. Icelandic: Aztiq er virkur langtímafjárfestir hérlendis sem erlendis, meðal annars í lyfjaiðnaði, fasteignum, menningarauði og samfélagsverkefnum. Fjárfestingarhópur Aztiq saman stendur af öflugum íslenskum og erlendum einstaklingum sem og alþjóðlegum fjárfestingarsjóðum undir stjórn Róberts Wessman. Stærstu eignir Aztiq eru í lyfjafyrirtækjunum Alvogen, Alvotech, Lotus, Almatica og Adalvo og í fasteignafélögunum Hrjáf, Sæmundi og Eyjólfi. Astiq stendur að uppbyggingu hátækniseturs í Vatnsmýri en áætluð verklok eru í árslok 2022. Þá er Aztiq stór hluthafi í Þorpinu – vistfélagi í samstarfi við Reykjavíkurborg.
Year Founded
Social Media
Investment Management
HQ Location
Reykjavik, IS
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