Sociedad Ibérica de Construcciones Eléctricas (SICE) is a multinational company integrating systems, aimed at solving market needs.
SICE mainly focuses its work on providing value-added services by integrating different technologies and systems, own and third-party, aimed at offering the best customized solution for each client.
Its key-value is the technological know-how and professional experience of its more than 2,500 employees and almost 100 years in the industry, which position it as an international reference and which have allowed the company to reach the present day with a solutions and systems range consolidated with a wide services range too.
SICE is now present in more than 30 countries of the five continents and is able to work in all the phases of a project, from its conception to its integration and operation.
Tráfico UrbanoTráfico InterurbanoGestión Integral de TúnelesSistemas de PeajeAparcamientosSistemas de TransporteSoluciones BRTSeñalización ferroviariTicketingPuertos y Aeropuertos