With offices in Perth and Brisbane, we offer a creative range of flexible resourcing solutions to our clients across Australia. These include permanent placements, casual workforce, and contract personnel for a range of functional resourcing requirements.
We are well connected to both world leading mining companies as well as most of the top talent in the mining industry. Our recruiting ranges from blue collar employees to senior management and specialist technical positions. We have a strong appreciation for cultural needs, team orientation and safe work practices.
We strive to form long-term partnerships that produce excellent outcomes that are individually tailored to our business clients, their employees and other stakeholders.
Whether your contract’s expiring, or you simply need a change, we will stick with you until you find what you’re after.
Call us today or visit www.tbsworkforce.com for current job opportunities with Australia’s leading mining companies.
We belong to Aquirian Limited (ASX:AQN), an emerging global provider of integrated solutions, people and products, to the mining and resources market. Other members of the Aquirian Group include TBS Mining Solutions (provider of mining equipment, incl. Collar Keeper® System), Cybem Services (provider of on-site labour support, field service and mechanical repair services), MagLok® (supplier of storage solutions for energetic materials and dangerous goods), Primed Professionals (offering executive employment services) and Modular Training (RTO 51694; provider of full, refresher and support, surface and underground shotfiring courses).