Smart information exchange for the smartest airport.
Cargonaut Nederland B.V. operates the Cargo Community Information Platform at Schiphol. We guarantee quality of information and sharing of information in order to make Schiphol the smartest airport together with partners and logistics players. Smart by being predictable. If you know in advance what cargo you can expect, you can also improve your processes and accelerate or create entirely new processes.
We facilitate a platform that enables partners in the chain and between chains to exchange information and share information for reuse. Airlines, handling agents, freight forwarders, logistics providers, customs and other regulators all work together.
With front runners we develop new processes that are distinctive worldwide. Bases on information available in our platform chain partners and software developers can build smart applications themselves and thus optimize their own processes.
Furthermore we work, as director of information flows, actively in the Mainport Program for the information driven airport in 2020 and NLIP (National Logistics Information Platform), both government initiatives.