In a world of quick-fire communication and ever-shorter attention spans, large vibrant images are the way to get your message across. dnp denmark displays are bigger and brighter than traditional projection screens and TVs.
dnp denmark is the world’s leading supplier of optical projection screens for high quality display solutions for conference rooms, education, control rooms, digital signage, TV studios and houses of worship. We are part of the world’s largest optical technology and printing company Dai Nippon Printing Co. Ltd.
dnp denmark offer a full range of displays for custom applications through a global network of skilled AV distributors and value added resellers. Optical projection screen technology is a cost-effective alternative to the LED and LCD screens we’re all used to, and has advantages they don’t.
For in-store merchandising, optical projection screens catch shoppers’ eyes in ways other screens can’t. They present compelling images in both high and low light conditions. Fixed images, slide shows and action video all come across vividly, holding viewers’ attention. Along with the stunning visual impact, your clients will love their low power requirements and low heat output compared to conventional screens.
If you design and build mission critical display cubes or custom systems for control rooms, operations centres or similar, you know how important it is to meet rigorous quality standards. With our extensive experience and screen manufacturing capacities, dnp denmark is a company you can trust, when you need to outsource.
Our projection screens perform flawlessly under mission critical conditions, backed up by thorough certification and dnp’s exemplary track record. With vivid colour contrast, exceptionally stable images and uniform palettes, no matter what the light conditions are, dnp displays are your most prominent system components.