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About Jennifer Shea
Jennifer Shea has 2 current jobs including Associate at NPC (New Philanthropy Capital) in cambridge, cambridgeshire, united kingdom, Research And Insight Consultant at Freelance. Previously worked at NPC (New Philanthropy Capital) as Senior Consultant. NPC (New Philanthropy Capital) is a Civic and Social Organizations,Philanthropic Fundraising Services company in 93 Great Suffolk Street
London, England SE1 0BX, GB with 49 employees
Jennifer Shea Social
Jennifer Shea Work
Jennifer Shea is the Associate @NPC (New Philanthropy Capital), with experience in Research And Insight Consultant @Freelance
NPC is the think tank and consultancy for the social sector. Our mission is to help charities, foundations, philanthropists, impact investors, social enterprises, corporates, and the public sector to maximise social impact in the lives of the people they serve.
Our consulting services help charities and funders find solutions to the challenges they face, whether they are trying to work more effectively, exploring new ways of working, or setting out to prove their worth.
All our advice is backed up by over ten years of research, and draws on our think tank work to transform the charity sector.
Civic and Social Organizations, Philanthropic Fundraising Services
HQ Location
93 Great Suffolk Street
London, England SE1 0BX, GB
Charity consultancyMeasurement & evaluatioResearch & thought leadershipGrant-making adviceConsultancyTheory of ChangeCharity analysisStrategyTrusteeship and governanceImpact