In the first 5 years of a child's life, critical brain connections are made that shape lifelong learning. Incredibly, by age 3 a child's brain has grown to 80 percent of that of an adult. How we nurture and support our children today will impact their success in school and in life.
This research helped propel the passage of Proposition 10 in 1998. Proposition 10 is a statewide initiative that provides a dedicated source of funding for programs serving children from the prenatal stage through age 5 and their families. This voter approved proposition adds a 50 cent per pack tax to all tobacco products. Funds are collected statewide and distributed to each county based upon annual birthrates. First 5 Monterey County was established in 1999 and is the independent public agency responsible for administering Proposition 10 funds in Monterey County and is governed by a board of Commissioners.
Each First 5 is responsible for conducting a strategic planning process to identify the needs and strengths of their counties. Locally, we fund community based organizations like school districts, county agencies, and nonprofits. Those organizations create and implement programs shown to have positive outcomes and maximize financial resources for families with young children. Our work is based upon building relationships with our community and is guided by integrity, honesty, and mutual respect towards others. We encourage inclusiveness, collaboration, and innovation in building communities supportive of young children and their families.