Champions in the fight against #addiction. Innovators in #addictiontreatment. Strong believers in second chances. The Coleman Institute’s unique outpatient detox programs have helped thousands of people free themselves from addiction to Alcohol, Opioids, and Benzodiazepines since 1998. We have an extraordinarily high 98% success rate for getting opioid patients onto the non-addictive opiate blocker, Naltrexone, which helps prevent relapse by reducing cravings and blocking highs. To help our patients get into long-term recovery and stay there, our program includes ongoing Naltrexone therapy and supportive case management after the withdrawal management phase. Unlike other forms of rapid detox, the Coleman Method speeds patients through withdrawal in relative comfort without the use of general anesthesia. Founded in Richmond, Virginia, our network has expanded to cover 12 cities in 10 states across the U.S. To learn more, please call us today at 888-736-1720 or visit our website at
For short-acting opiates like heroin, most patients complete their detox and begin Naltrexone therapy within 3 days. Longer-acting opiates like Suboxone and Methadone typically take 8 days. During the entire procedure, sedating medication is used to greatly minimize any withdrawal symptoms. During the detox, we work with patients and their families to develop an appropriate aftercare plan.
Dr. Peter Coleman understands first-hand the struggle to get clean and stay clean due to his own personal struggle with addiction. Since getting into recovery in 1984, Dr. Coleman has dedicated his career to treating addiction patients and creating a team and an environment conducive to long term recovery for his patients.