Our platform supports paperless communication whereby you obtain legal enforcement.
Zynyo SigningService platform supports legal digital contracting in combination with online identification.
Documents are digitally signed and sealed at all levels, advanced & qualified. Moreover, everything is fully cloud enabled. Paper processes are easily replaced by digital processes, making it possible to work much more efficient.
Expression in electronic format of a person’s agreement to the content of a document
Protects against the risk of loss, theft, damage or alterations when sending documentation
Guarantee both the origin and the integrity of a document
A way for businesses &consumers to prove their identity electronically
IT Services and IT Consulting, Information Technology & Services
HQ Location
Dreef 48
NL,North Holland,Haarlem,2012 HS
Signing ServicesDigital signingDigitale handtekeningDigitaal ondertekenenGekwalificeerd ondertekenenGeavanceerd ondertekenenOnline identiteitsverificatieDigital identityDigitaal ondertekeneGekwalificeerd ondertekene