The Gorilla Experiment Builder is a cloud based research platform that allows researchers and students to quickly and easily create and host behavioural (reaction-time) experiments online.
In a nutshell, how does it work?
Simply login to Gorilla using your browser to access:
* A questionnaire builder
* A task builder
* An experiment configuration tool
Create your component questionnaires and tasks and then link them together into an overall experimental protocol.
Then deploy it online and recruit your participants. You can do this via social media (i.e. Facebook) or paid services via our trusted partners (Prolific, mTurk, SONA and more) or by email.
How is this different to a survey tool?
Survey tools allow you to ask explicit questions and get subjective responses from the respondent.
In contrast, a behavioural study typically has lots of trials that capture the respondents behaviour in terms of accuracy and reaction times. From these raw metrics, secondary metrics can be derived to get an objective measure of behaviour.
Gorilla is built for running behavioural studies. The task builder is fully tooled – you don’t have to code – so you can create your study quickly and easily. You then configure the experiment protocol in the Experiment Tree tool.
This allows you to add randomisation, counterbalancing, repeats and delays to create a wide range of experiments designs including longitudinal designs.
What else?
We know that novel research sometimes needs completely new functionality! As well as the tooled environment Gorilla allows you to augment the functionality we provide by adding scripts (snippets of JavaScript) or build a task from scratch in the Code Editor.