Located minutes from the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, Prince George’s County Public Schools is one of the nation’s 25 largest school districts. We offer K-12 teaching opportunities in urban/suburban Maryland, and we provide a variety of teaching experiences in a diverse county where residents support and demand quality educational programs for all students. Comprised of 209 schools and over 19,000 employees, PGCPS offers a myriad of educational programs to our exceptional students at all levels. Teaching and learning are at the center of everything we do in PGCPS and we are seeking GREAT TEACHERS who are passionate about education.
Our school system has demonstrated sustained growth over the past four years while also being on the forefront of national reform initiatives including educator effectiveness through continuous growth and improvement, implementing Common Core State Standards, student-based budgeting and the reorganization of central office to become “school centric”.
Our goal is to place a talented and effective teacher in front of every student. Strong teaching and learning will prepare our students to graduate college and career ready. We invest in our teachers by providing professional development opportunities, differentiated support, and programs such as National Board Certification. Our core belief is that all children can learn and teachers are the key unit of change.
Join our journey as we become “Great by Choice”. Be part of the change and make a difference for our students and enrich the experience between our students and teachers.