Capital Futures Corporation was established in 1997 as a reinvestment subsidiary of Capital Securities Corporation, and have been listed since April 2009.
Apart from offering execution and clearing services for TAIFEX, we have acquired memberships from SGX-DT, CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX, NYSE Liffe, Eurex and ICE US over the past five years and have developed Capital’s own Global DMA structure network by writing natively to these exchanges. Capital Futures Corporation is the 1st Taiwan FCM to acquire memberships from eight oversea exchanges and to offer CME options on electronic trading platform.
In 2012, Capital Futures also acquired CSC(HK) Futures as 100% owned subsidiary and its HKEx membership. Also, we became the 1st Asian broker to offer CME options on our in-house developed B2C electronic trading platform.
Our strong built Global DMA structure has not only earned recognition among local and foreign institutional investors, but also provides easy access for Taiwan retail investors to trade into the western markets. Our proprietary futures & derivatives trading desk also benefits from out built network to be competitive in the global trading arena.