NuRelm has been building software for researchers and innovators since 1999. We get excited helping researchers brainstorm, prototype, budget, and deliver digital health apps, passive sensor data collection systems, study portals, data processing pipelines, and creative ways to achieve their study goals.
Over the last decade, we have worked with our university collaborators to raise millions of dollars to commercialize research ideas via the NIH's SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) program, and welcome the chance to discuss possible partnerships to apply for funding to develop novel ideas in the digital health space.
We'd love to hear from you if you'd like a hand from our team to plan your next grant proposal's software budget, to build software on an existing project, or to discuss partnering to fund the commercialization of ideas you're already working on.
We work with clients such as the University of Pittsburgh, Yale University, Carnegie Mellon University, Temple University, UCLA, and many others. To find out more about our products and services, visit us online at